“I’ve told you a thousand times but still you did not make it,”Arjun shouted.

“Arjun, even I told you a thousand times but you didn’t listen and now if you blaming me then what I can do?”, Anjali retorted.

“Are you trying to justify yourself?, he was furious.

“No I’m not, am just trying to explain”, she calmly replied.

“No Anjali, it’s not new between us. It’s been years we are married but you didn’t change” he paused and moving closer to Anjali, added, “see even now you are trying to justify yourself; yes you should apologize but you did not, not even once!”

She interrupted, “why should I Arjun? Why am I expected to apologize when I’ve not made any mistake?”

“So, skipping a business party which was most important to me despite being informed about it in advance, is not a mistake on your part?”

She retaliated,” Arjun, you know that my father is ill. At a time when he is undergoing intensive treatment how can you expect me to attend the party?” she paused for a breath and continued, exasperation in her voice,”I had made it clear then itself, at the time you informed me about the party; that I’d be able to make it only if he is not lined for any medical check-up. And when he called up complaining of chest pain what was I supposed to do, tell me?”

“I don’t have anything more to say Anjali, just one question, why did you marry me then?”

She sat morose, the visuals of the last fight with him flashing before her eyes. She wished she never had to talk to him again, but right now was left with no other choice.The amount was huge, all she had was a big NO from everyone and everywhere.

Her fingers unsure with reluctance typed out, “Hi Arjun, hope you are doing good. You already are aware of the health issues my father has been facing. Unfortunately, his condition has worsened and become more severe now, he needs to undergo a heart surgery immediately. You know how expensive that is, I’ve contacted many people for money but am yet to receive any positive response. 

Reminding you of the promise you’d given me once, will you help me? I’d be forever grateful to you and promise that I will return the money as soon as possible”

She analysed thousand times before hitting the “send” button but every single minute that she delayed was endangering her father’s life more and more. She sent the message. She got more flustered when the double tick turned blue. She willed herself to not check her phone to see if he had replied. It had been about three days now. She hated that she was constantly checking his 'last seen at' status and yes, he had logged in just five minutes ago. Yet she couldn't stop herself. This sinking feeling to find absolutely no communication from him was becoming unbearable, almost torturous.

And then, just as she sat down in her chair, her phone vibrated. With her heart thudding in her ear, she unlocked her phone and stared at the screen. Finally! It was his message.

But when she opened it and read it, she nearly stopped breathing. She didn't know if he was joking or not. What was this?

“Sure dear, how much do you need?”

She couldn’t believe herself as involuntary tears streamed down her cheeks, never had she expected that Arjun would reply. “Did I misunderstand him? “, her mind was flooded by conflicting thoughts and justifications. Putting them aside, she wiped her tears and the next minute called him urgently as if her entire life depended on that one phone call. His response was hugely positive.This was the first time they were interacting since their separation of exactly three months since now. Arjun agreed to pay the total money for her dad’s operation. The doctors had warned that her father had to be operated within the next two days. Once Arjun agreed, Anjali promptly called hospital and asked them to arrange for surgery immediately.

The next day, Arjun arrived at the hospital and called Anjali. Though she was dejected by thinking about her father’s health, she was well dressed and groomed. Even though they had agreed mutually to file for a divorce, now she wanted to live with him. When he called, she almost jumped out of joy and literally ran down the two floors to the ground floor in excitement; All memories, good and bad about him flashing.

Anjali lost her mother at the young age and was very attached to her father. Arjun and Anjali loved each other since college. It was love come arranged marriage. Before marriage, Arjun promised Anjali that he would help her father who kept sick financially, and he had genuinely kept that promise. Now the circumstances were changed. Arjun always expected Anjali to apologize irrespective that she had actually committed a mistake or not; Anjali was never the one to apologize until she agreed to it as a mistake from her point of view. This difference of perspective always created big clashes between them right since they got married and eventually lead to separation.

Her feet slowed down once she saw him. Arjun, with a smile on his face, moved close to her. She stood inexpressive, the tears stagnant in the corner of her eyes. She took a deep breath and spoke, “Hi Arjun, how are you then?”

“I’m fine Anjali. Hope you are doing good, shall we go and see uncle now?”

She couldn’t believe her eyes. Again and again, she checked if this was happening in real or a dream. How come had this man changed completely? Anger, depression, frustration, once the constant expressions on Arjun’s face, seemed to have faded away far. He looked relaxed and spoke with her as if nothing had happened. “Maybe he was looking out for a situation to reunite with me?”, thoughts ran wildly through Anjali’s mind.

They met Anjali’s father, elated to see Arjun; and even more was he happy, relieved when Arjun promised him that he will take care Anjali from then on. This gesture, Arjun’s kindness thawed the remaining reservations she had and Anjali found herself melting totally now.  She just wanted to hug him and say, “I love you idiot!”, but controlled herself to wait for a better situation.

The surgery was scheduled to start by 10 pm. It was 9:30 pm, Anjali was waiting outside the operation theatre and Arjun had gone to the canteen to have dinner. Suddenly nurse came and informed her, “Mam, we have arranged everything and are about to start the surgery in another 15 minutes”.

“Yeah I know that, the chief doctor has already informed me,” she replied.

“Yes mam, another 15 minutes,” the nurse again hesitantly informed.

“I can’t get you, any problem?”, she asked, in fearful anticipation.

“Yes mam, actually, the surgery charges have not been settled yet.  Since you are close to the chief doctor, with his recommendation, we brought the patient to the operation theatre but without the settlement of the charges we cannot commence and proceed with the surgery, as per our norm and policies. Hope you understand.”

Now what was this? Her head reeling in confusion, she at once called Arjun, “Arjun, where are you? You have not paid the amount still? Dad’s surgery is going to start in another fifteen minutes,” she whimpered in fear.

“Hey, Anjali what happened? Don’t worry dear. I’m at the reception hall and about to pay the amount. Cool down, relax. Everything will be fine.”

Heartbeat became normal. He extended, “Anjali, can you come to the reception hall for a minute. They are asking some more details for billing which I’m not sure”

“Sure Arjun, I will come,” she disconnected the call and went to the operation theatre.

“Dad, don’t worry. The surgery is going to start in the next fifteen minutes. Everything will be alright,” she smiled, added, “See how healthy you will be after surgery and play with your grandchildren.” There was a big satisfied smile on his face.

He expressed, “Anjali, I never bothered about my life. But the only thing that always disturbed my mind is your loneliness. I was afraid what will be of you if something happens to me? I don’t want to leave my daughter alone in the world. Now in all probability, I’m the happiest person on earth. Since your childhood, I have accepted all your decisions because I know that my daughter is an intelligent person. The time you choose Arjun as your life partner, you filed for divorce, now when you have decided to reunite with him, I will always stand by your decision. You never do anything wrong. I could never save anything for you financially but I feel proud and happy that I brought up my daughter with good qualities and good thoughts. Always remember one thing, stand by your decision always no matter what you are doing, as a father I will be happier if you live with the same qualities that I taught you.”

These were great words indeed, and they gathered more tears on Anjali’s eyes as the thought came that something might happen to her father. But she took it positively and moved to the reception hall.

“Hey Arjun, what’s up? Come to the billing room, time is running out,” she was in hurry and tensed but Arjun consoled her and added, “Before that, I want to talk to you for few minutes”

“Arjun, whatever it is, we can talk after billing,” her tension was not reduced.

“For billing only I want to talk to you, “he interrupted.

Filled with dread, she couldn’t understand what he wanted to say when he slowly opened up, “Anjali, I still love you deeply. I don’t want to lose you but at the same time, cannot live with misunderstanding happened between us”

She remained inexpressive, her mind unable to register anything else except the bill settlement and he continued, “I understand that you are not getting anything. To make it simple, I want to clear all our misunderstanding and put full stop to it in order to continue our relationship, and your apology alone can erase all the ugly happenings between us. If you do that now, we can start a new and fresh life. What you say?”

There was a deep silence, till she found her voice husky, “Arjun, please make it precise, the time is running out!”

“Okay Anjali, Apologize to my friends, business partners for not attending my business party. That was the reason for our separation. So if you apologize, I can still forgive you!”
She interrupted and hollered in anger, “I don’t want your damn forgiveness man. Try to understand this is not the time for that. That old man is counting his moments. Please settle the amount, the surgery has to start in another few minutes.”

“Anjali, you first try to understand me,” Arjun retorted.

Her cheeks wet with tears gushing out uncontrollably now, Anjali managed, “Arjun, are you playing? Its my dad’s life!”

“Anjali, now you are not my life partner, so how can I help you? And if you want me to think and act like a life partner, I just offered you the chance. I will call them. Just say sorry to them, Anjali!”

She controlled the urge to scream at him to avoid attention of the people around to and calmly replied, “okay Arjun, agreed we are life partners no more, but surely you can help me as a third person, I promise I’ll repay your debt with interest by tomorrow.”

“Sorry Anjali, I’m not interested towards helping a third person.  The only way is to ask for sorry, do that and I’ll settle the amount right away.” He smiled before adding,” That’s how arrogant women like you have to be taught a lesson.”

This unanticipated situation left her too dumbstruck. Time was fast running out, she had to take a decision.

“So your ego is more important than your father’s life, right?” His voice rose with anger.

Not getting any response, he continued, “What is stopping you from apologizing? Is that single “sorry” more than your father’s life? Tell me Anjali..”

Her voice husky with increasing tears she spoke, “A real man never resorts to emotional blackmail, Arjun. I just want to save my father’s life...”

He interrupted, “Then agree to apologize to them and I shall save him. The choice is yours now.”
There was again a deep silence. She gathered all her courage and replied, “I will say sorry!”

A triumphant smile flicked across the Arjun’s face. She did not say anything beyond that and he slowly walked towards billing hall by calling his friends.

He halted as he heard her call out, she had turned and moved towards him. Eyes blurred, trembling hands but clearly and bravely, “You didn’t let me complete the sentence. I wanted to say, I will say sorry to you for calling you!”

Wiping her tears she took a deep breath and added, “And what did you ask, is “sorry” higher than your father’s life? In that case I ask you, “is that same word greater than your love for me? “Sorry” might be a small word for you but uttering that will destroy my character.  If you can’t take me the way I am, then you can never be a better husband. By expecting such, you are actually trying to suppress the individual residing in a wife. Get it and understand clearly. I might lose my father but will never give up the values he taught me and that would make him happy rather than to save him or live with you. I shall find my way, Get lost and good bye!”

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